visual arts

Clara Jo

Our partners

Clara Jo was born in the United States in 1986. She lives and works in Berlin. Clara Jo creates moving images and sculptural installations that reengage sensitive historical and ontological narratives in ways that entangle the senses, perceptions and constructed sociopolitical relationships embedded within human experience.

During the residency, Clara Jo will explore intersections, political entanglements and ruptures along epidemiological routes embedded within the Afrasian Sea, which have historically been narrated in fl awed terms to bolster the imperial nautical imaginary. She will trace maritime flows of not only human but also beyond-human encounters within pre-imperial currents. Her project Epidemiological routes and ruptures will also examine how these narratives have been represented throughout time along historical lines of contagion, which ultimately feeds into collective imaginations and fictions that arise around fear of contamination from the “non-human” world.

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