plastic arts painting

Arthur Gillet

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Arthur Gillet is a French artist born in 1986. He graduated in 2011 with a Higher National Diploma of Plastic Expression from the School of Fine Arts in Rennes and trained in contemporary dance at the Museum of Dance.

He grew up in gender transition, in a deaf and neuroatypical family on the bangs of the job market. He explores themes of desire, identity, class and media. He is influenced by the authors and artists who have accompanied his transitional journey: Naoko Takeuchi, Jane Austen, Valtesse de la Bigne, Virginia Woolf, Hannah Arendt, Catherine Geel, Murasaki Shikibu, Isabelle Queval, Geneviève Fraisse, Elisabeth Lebovici.


He moved to Paris in 2012, with a now masculine gender appearance. In his work, he questions the practices and the reappropriation of the means of production, the body and its image. He has claimed the domestic space as his studio (where he produces ceramics, carpentry, silk painting, sewing, painting on canvas). He infiltrates institutions through happenings and performances.

As part of his residency at the Cité internationale des arts, his studio allows him to approach other formats and materials.

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