visual arts

Tarlan Rafiee & Yashar Samimi Mofakham

Our partners




How is your practice built through your duo?

"Our practice as a duo began by working together as artists. Later, as we turned to the police station, we noticed that our cuatorial practices are deeply rooted in our experience of living together and our past professional experiences.
When one looks at an angle of a project, the other focuses on other aspects and that's how we have been operating as a collective since the beginning. 

We both aspire to intercultural dialogue, history and art. We both believe that in order to move forward, we need to know our roots and that is why we have begun to collect our archives, which are now unique in the history of Iranian modern art.
Sometimes one is drowned in his archives, papers and documents, while the other works on works of art.

We complement each other and we are both sure that without each other, Bread & Salt would not be as it is today."


An anecdote about your residency at the Cité internationale des arts?

"To be honest, we think the word Cité is not really what the Cité really is.

The Cité is a World! During our residency, supported by the French Embassy in Iran and the Cité internationale des arts, we understood the important role that the Cité internationale des arts has played for nearly half a century. It's a world in the city of Paris. Following the example of Paris, the Citeis open to people from all over the world. Meeting people from all over the world in this Cite is a unique experience, especially when your work is based on intercultural dialogue, mutual history and heritage.


We think that the Cité is a monde, a world, and the Monde on top of the crown of art and culture."








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