Juan Gugger

Deck VII | Night Sweats

Saturday, November 16 2019, at 03:00 pm

Atelier 2214-A - Cité internationale des arts
Juan Gugger has produced a new work called Deck VII | Night Sweats. This project will become part of a series of wooden structures that Juan Gugger has been developing since 2014.
These installations explored diverse dimensions of the various institutional contexts in which they were placed, creating a complex narrative in constant progress. 
Over the past four months, Juan Gugger has been working on a variety of sculptural projects, including a proto-architectural object that expands throughout his whole bedroom. To this purpose, he has used material taken from a previous exhibition at Palais de Tokyo, and pallets that were circulating on the streets of Le Marais.
Juan Gugger (Argentina) is a recipent of the Cité internationale des arts Visual Arts Committees. 
Practical Information

Free admission, within the limits of maximum capacity. 

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