Michail Michailov

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November 2018

Atelier C3 - Cité internationale des arts - Site de Montmartre

The artist Michail Michail Michail Michailov uses different artistic means in his works such as drawing, performance, video, photography. In his approach, he treats his own "self" or "me" in a playful way in relation to his environment / environments / situation. 

Questions about presence and the human being are asked. Success and failure, self-discovery and self-doubt, the quest for happiness, the transcendence of boundaries are recurring themes. In doing so, he uses his own name and personality as a metaphor for the existence, the self and the pursuit of the individual's development in a globalized society. It addresses different cultural phenomena that influence human behaviour and question a society in search of perfection. 


The dust to dust series of drawings links several of Michail Michailov's works, which he has created in different forms and on different media and which answer the important questions of life and existence that the artist asks himself. He connects the question of inner purity - as a condition for achieving perfection - with the external cleaning of his rooms and environment. Thus, the interior and exterior cleaning are artistically rendered. 

The series shows dust and dirt as in a study of nature. At first, he only used the dust rabbits that automatically appeared in his studio as a model for these photos, while in the meantime, he graphically transforms the stains and stains of his immediate environment such as the bathroom or kitchen.

The drawing process takes almost as long as the development of the dirt itself and thus becomes a kind of media contemplation that contrasts the artist's active consciousness with the unconscious development of dirt and stains. In this way, this insignificant and insignificant phenomenon/effect takes on a whole new meaning. The unconscious enters consciousness, things that are unlikely to be seen become visible. The high level of drawing effort required for this reproduction raises questions about the meaning and value of man and art in a playful way.



Michail Michailov (Bulgaria) is in residence at the Cité internationale des arts.

Practical Information

Open from 11am to 6pm.
Free admission, within the limits of maximum capacity. 

See Also