
Clément Verger

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Visual artist Clément Verger (born in France in 1988) questions the apparent wilderness of the landscapes that surround us. From its begi­nning, mankind has shaped the land to suit its needs and desires, levelling coasts, carving valleys and planning forests. 


In his project Endeavour Clément Verger isolates a specific example of the larger phenomenon representative of the Anthropocene Epoch, that is the transportation and implantation of species across the world. The Eucalyptus tree and its introduction in Europe becomes a case study, a tool to analyse the complex patterns in man’s influence on its environment.


During his residency at the Cité internationale des arts he will be developing the research for his next long term project, an exploration of the unique ecosystem of Ascension Island.


Starting from September 2018, Clément Verger will be resident at the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid.