
Célin Jiang

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Célin Jiang is a French artist-researcher. Her work is transdisciplinary, political, and infiltrated: it aims to explore the relationship between art, technology, and digital humanities. The decolonial approach of her work is rooted in cyberfeminism. By questioning our perception of identities in a globalized context of transcultural aesthetics, Célin Jiang advocates interoperability and considers hybridization as a sensitive vector of metamorphosis: how does the dissident potential of artistic expressions operate in the phygital era of social networks?


Graduating from HEAR (with the Congratulations of the Jury) in 2018, she continues her practice in Shanghai within the research program "The Offshore School, Creation and Globalization" of ENSAD Nancy until June 2019. In autumn 2019, the artist carries on her research within the post-graduate programme "Arts and Sound Creations" at ENSA Bourges. 


In 2020, she will continue her research-creation work within the DIU of the École universitaire de recherche ArTeC. At the end of 2021, she joined the Digital Image and Virtual Reality research team (INREV) within the Ecole Doctorale Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts (EDESTA) of the University of Paris 8, in a research-creation thesis: her research focuses on Fembots Pop Stars in Asia and the West. The same year, she won the 3rd prize for radio creation Oreilles curieuses of Radio Campus Paris for the sound piece Voyage en Bus.


Her work has been exhibited at Ars Electronica (Linz, AT), Artes Sonores Tsonami Festival (Valparaiso, CL), Madein Gallery (Shanghai, CN), Rencontres internationales Monde-s multiple-s (Bourges, FR), Liebe und Zuneigung Festival - Europäischen Kulturtage (Karlsruhe, DE), Exhibitronic Festival (Strasbourg, FR), etc. 

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